The Colville River Unit (commonly referred to as Alpine) is located in the Colville River Delta on Alaska’s Western North Slope, 34 miles west of the Kuparuk River Field and eight miles north of the Inupiat village of Nuiqsut. Field construction and development took three years, six million man-hours and cost more than $1.3 billion. Alpine has no permanent road connecting it to other North Slope infrastructure. In the winter an ice road is built connecting Kuparuk to Alpine to move in supplies for the rest of the operating year. In any given winter season more than 1,500 truckloads of modules, pipeline and equipment are moved to Alpine over the ice road. More than eight years of environmental studies guided conceptual development of the field, allowing engineers and environmental experts to locate drill sites and facilities in areas where they have had minimal impact on wildlife, waterfowl and the subsistence lifestyle practiced by Nuiqsut residents


Alpine Discovery well Bergschrund #1


Delineation drilling of 5 appraisal wells


Alpine 3D Seismic projects reserves at 365 MMBO gross. Nanuq reservoir discovered with Nanuq #1 well


Western North Slope project funding and sanction


Fiord discovery


Nov. 2000 CD1 start-up produces first oil. Initial rate is approximately 80 MBOPD. Sets the record on the North Slope for shortest cycle time discovery to first oil in 6.5 years.


Nanuq delineation drilling and Lookout discovery. CD2 start-up rate increases to 100 MBD. Alpine Development wins Phillips Petroleum Shield Award.


Continued exploration and delineation drilling. Environmental Impact Statement updated. Alpine wins P66 Shield Award for Environmental Impact in 2002.


First Alpine plant expansion (ACX-1) adds Miscible Injection Gas facilities and increases plant oil capacity to 135 MBOPD. Water expansion to 135 MBD sea water and 100 MBD produced water.


Second Alpine plant expansion (ACX-2) adds gas train capacity Natural Gas Liquids (NGL) handling capacity.


Fiord (CD3) and Nanuq (CD4) drillsite start-ups. CD3 becomes first roadless drillsite on the North Slope. WNS oil rate increases 125 MBOPD. The third Alpine plant expansion (ACX-3) adds the S tower and expands plant capacity to 140 MBD. Qannik reservoir discovery and delineation.


WNS production peaks at ~140 MBD.


CD2 drillsite expansion and Qannik start-up. Awarded VPP star certification.


CD3 and CD4 drillsite expansions (CD3X and CD4X) add drilling without adding gravel.


Alpine 10 year anniversary. WNS production averages ~95 MB


CD3 second drillsite expansion (CD3X2) adds further drilling without adding gravel. New wells on the expansion are drilled fromseasonal ice pad. Alpine crew rescues baby polar bear. Permit for CD5 bridge issued by USACE.


CD5 project sanction.


CD4 second drillsite expansion adds additional drilling slots with expanding gravel footprint.


CD5 field construction begins.


CD5 construction and start-up. First oil anticipated Dec. 2015.